Hello, I just saw this site.
I want to use this for buying stuff online. Couple of questions though..
- I've read that you can buy it like most prepaid cards from convenient stores. Do you need to register or do something before buying them?
- Say I already have the card and intend to buy something online, what info will I enter into fields such as "Name on the card", "billing address" and "cvc code" at the payment checkout?
Any information would help. Thank you so much.
Hey Daean
The first thing you need to know is that there are two kinds of V-Preca, there is the V-preca and the V-preca gift.
The V-preca needs a registeration and you need to be onver 18 and live in Japan, where the V-preca gift, can be bought from convinience store and after being bought registered online to be ready for use.
For your second question, there is the normal info on the card you bought just as any other credit card would have, the difference being that the "card holder name" does not need to be your real name. Billing address should not be asked when buying with the V-preca, but if you are for example ordering something, you should ofcourse put the adress you want your purchase to be delivered add.
Hope this answerdyour questions.