

Hi Pedro!

It is very simple and straightforward. If you want to improve your expectations of living in Japan you need 3 things:
- Improve your Japanese skills. Study every week (every day is better). Buy a book and study by yourself if you can't pay for classes.

-Improve your English Skills. Same as above. As a foreigner, you will be expected to speak English, so make sure you learn it, With so many games, movies, podcasts, music and books, it is easy to practice.

-Finally, get a college degree. Your chances are much higher if you have a college degree, go to college, during college try searching for the JASSO scholarship, then after you finish, you can try coming to Japan again by MEXT scholarship or paying for a Japanese class for 1 year, coming with a student visa and trying to find a job during that time.

Focus on your dream and you will be able to achieve it. It is possible, it is achievable. You just need to study and act.

Wish you the best in your life!

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