Japan Tokyo Osaka

Rodrigo Coelho Japan

Hi Christopher!
To get your arubaito, or part time job permit, you need to apply for a 資格外活動許可 (shikakugai katsudou kyoka).
You'll need to have your application form along with your passport, alien registration card (zairyu card) and student ID when visiting your regional immigration office. So you need to search where is the nearest immigration office for your city.

Just tell them 資格外活動許可を申請したいです。(pronounced: shikakugai katsudou kyoka no shinsei o shitai desu) which means that you'd like to apply for the permit.
This website from one of the university has more details. http://ois.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/students_life/albeit.html


Hi  Rodrigo!

Thank you for the reply and tell me how to pronouciation it in Japanese!

Sounds easier than what I thought. I'm going to immigration office to make it done! 

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