I have two potential days that I could visit Kamakura. One of those days, I only have half a day to spend. I’d be able to leave Tokyo for Kamakura around noon. On the other day, I have the whole day to spend there. How much time would I need to see Kamakura?
I’m still deciding on which day to spend there as if half a day is enough for Kamakura, then I could use the other full day to go someplace else.
I would recommend using your full day for Kamakura and spending it leisurely seeing the temples/shrines,, but it depends on how much you want to see.
If you have a full day, you can go see maybe 4 or 5 places. For example, Hasedera, the Great Buddha, Hokokuji, Tsurugaoka Hachiman Shrine and the street full of little shops in front, Enkakuji, and maybe Enoshima if you have time.
If you only have half a day, your visit will be limited to 2 or 3 places.